Saturday 19 November 2011

Hardware In The Loop Simulator (HILS) for Unmanned System

By : Dipl.-Ing. Endri Rachman

Introduction & Objective

Autonomous motions of an unmanned system, like the guided missile, the aircraft equipped with autopilot, the UAV, the underwater, are controlled and navigated by an embedded controller hosting the autonomous algorithms/ flight control laws. During the development process, the embedded controller must be tested in laboratory environment using so called Hardware In-The-Loop Simulator (HILS) before entering the testing in the real flight, see figure 1.
Figure 1 : Step by Step procedure in designing and developing   the autonomous algorithms for UAV's Autopilot.

The HILS allows the testing of the autonomous control laws regarding their mission functionality, their operational scenario, and their robustness against changing parameter. Although HILS can’t replace the testing of embedded controller in the real flight condition, it measurably reduces the likelihood of controller’s failure by detecting bugs and deficiencies of the control laws in the laboratory. Hence, the risk of unmanned system’s failure and its associated danger the people, property, and the infrastructure during the flight can be avoided .   

To facilitate such difficult and complex functions, a low cost and unique HILS for Unmanned System has been designed and developed, see figure 2.  This HILS is versatile so that it can be applied on any unmanned system. 

Figure 2 : Set-up of HILS for Unmanned System


In order to achieve the above objective,  HILS for Unmanned System has following capabilities, see figure 3 :
  • Doing rapid prototyping of the  controller  (running  the flight controller in real time ) 
  • Producing the real-time flight of aircraft in quasi real 3D-flight environment,
  • Displaying the flight information as real as possible in cockpit- format
  • Mapping the aircraft position    
  • Managing different useful signals/ information seamlessly
 Figure 3: Monitor displays of HILS


This HILS has used a latest ICT technology, namely Grid Computing Technology. Instead of using one very expensive Super Computer to implement the capabilities mentioned above,   this HILS uses four low cost computers connected to each other using Internet/ Local Area Network and serial communication RS232. Each computer has own unique IP address and plays different roles, see Figure 4:
  • 1st Computer is a real time target controller/ embedded controller PC 104/+ . It serves as a real-time flight controller hosting the autonomous control laws.
  • 2nd Computer is a real-time target simulator producing the flight motion/sensor data during the flight.
  • 3rd Computer is a Host Simulator used for visualizing the flight of the aircraft in 3D – real flight environment, for displaying the flight information on the standard six cockpit’s display panels, for controlling the flight operation of the aircraft and  for down-loading the model of the  aircraft dynamics model into the real time flight simulator. 
  • 4th  Computer is a Host controller. It is used for down loading the autonomous flight control law  into the target controller/ embedded controller PC 104/+ and for mapping the aircraft position using the Google-earth.  
Figure 4: System architecture of HILS for Unmanned System

There are three types of communication protocols used to exchange data/information between the computers:
  • the internet protocols TCP/IP are utilized for downloading the equation of motion (dynamic model) from the host simulator into the target simulator, the control laws from the host controller into the target controller/ embedded controller PC 104/+.
  • the internet protocols UDP/IP are used to exchange their data between the host simulator and the target simulator .
  • the Serial communication RS232 is applied for exchange sensor and actuator data between the target simulator and the target controller/ embedded controller  in real-time. 

Awards for HILS

  • The Malaysian Association of Research Scientist has awarded the best -award and the gold medal during the 7th –Invention and Innovation Competition for the category “aerospace and aviation with the product “ Hardware In-The Loop Simulator for Unmanned System” regarding Malaysia Technology Exhibition (MTE) 2009  on February  29 – 21, at Putra World Trade Centre  in Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia .  
  • The International jury of IENAhas awarded the bronze medal  for the product  during the international trade fair "Ideas-Inventions-New Products" -IENA 2009, on November 7, 2009 , Nurenberg -Germany .  

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) KUJANG (bagian Pertama : Umum)

Oleh : Dipl. -Ing. Endri Rachman

Disebabkan kemampuannya melihat sesuatu dari udara, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya, pesawat terbang tanpa  awak (PTTA), dipergunakan baik oleh kalangan militer atau pihak sipil. Aplikasi UAV dalam bidang militer antara lain di gunakan sebagai pesawat pengintai atau mata-mata untuk melihat kegiatan pihak lawan, intrastuktur dan peralatan tempur yg dimiliki pihak lawan (lihat gambar 1). Dalam bidang sipil, UAV digunakan untuk pemetaan, pemantauan lalu lintas kendaraan di jalan, monitor dan pengukuran pencemaran udara, pemantauan daerah perbatasan, komunikasi, monitor pipa minyak, gas dan juga kawat listrik PLN, SAR, peyemprotan pupuk/peptisida dari udara, pencarian tempat-tempat pemboran minyak, perikanan, dan lain-lain.

Gambar 1: Salah satu aplikasi UAV dalam bidang militer

UAV atau pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) di definisikan sebagai pesawat terbang tanpa pilot yang  digerakkan dengan bantuan sistem propulsi/ mesin kipas (propeller) atau mesin jet dan dilengkapi dengan payload, seperti video kamera FLIR,  yg digunakan untuk melihat permukaan bumi dari udara. Pesawat ini kendalikan secara manual dengan bantuan remote control , atau/dan di kendalikan oleh sebuah komputer kecil (autopilot) yg dipasang didalam badan pesawat tersebut.  Jika UAV ini dikendalikan oleh komputer, pesawat ini bisa terbang dengan sendirinya tanpa bantuan juru terbang, karena di dalam hardware autopilot itu berisi logika-logika terbang yg mengatur secara atomatis bagaimana pesawat itu terbang.

Seorang operator yg berada di station kendali di darat  (ground control station GCS) memberikan perintah-perintah terbang, seperti arah terbang, kecepatan terbang, ketinggian terbang,  route dan tujuan penerbangan kepada UAV itu. Perintah-perintah terbang di kirim menggunakan gelombang radio melalui sistem telemetri  yg menghubungkan UAV tersebut dengan operator di darat. Selain operator yg memberikan perintah-perintah terbang, terdapat satu lagi operator yg mengendalikan kamera yg bergerak. Gambar diam atau gambar video yg berhasil di tangkap oleh kamera tsb secara waktu nyata (real time) dikirim kembali ke station kendali darat GCS. Melalui monitor, operator tsb dapat melihat permukaan bumi, benda-benda atau aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya, yg terjadi di atas permukaan bumi. 
Pada umumnya, pesawat terbang tanpa awak dilengkapi dgn sistem avionik baik yg terpasang pada UAV ataupun di luar pesawat UAV (didarat). Sistem avionik terdiri dari beberapa subsistem sepertit autopilot,  sistem kendali pesawat (flight control system), sistem navigasi (navigation system) berbasiskan satelit, seperti GPS (gbobal positioing system), beban bayar (payload) seperti kamera, sistem telemetri (telemetry system), sistem sensor penerbangan (flight data sensor) selain station kendali darat (ground control station). Komponen-komponen pesawat tanpa awak ini digambarkan pada gambar 2. 

Gambar 2: Komponen-komponen pesawat terbang tanpa awak.

Klasifikasi Pesawat Tanpa Awak

Berdasarkan jarak operasi dan lamanya terbang (operational range and endurance) Departemen Pertahanan Amerika (Pentagon) membagikan pesawat terbang tanpa awak sebagai berikut
  •        Pesawat terbang tanpa awak taktis (tactical unmanned aerial vehicle)
  •       Pesawat terbang tanpa awak enduran (endurance unmanned aerial vehicle)

Pesawat terbang tanpa awak taktis (the tactical UAV) di disain untuk mendukung seorang komandar tempur taktis dengan kemampuan intelejen mata-mata hingga jarak 200 km. Pesawat taktis ini seolah-olah memperpanjangan pengamatan/penglihatan komandan tempur hingga menjangkau jauh kedalam daerah musuh tanpa perlu mengirim dan mengorbankan nyawa manusia/tentara. Pesawat tanpa awak taktis dibagi dalam dua kelas: Pesawat tanpa awak Jarak Pendek dan pesawat tanpa awak sedang. Pesawat awak pendek beroperasi sehingga kira-kira 50 km dan waktu operasi antara 2- 5 jam, sedang pesawat tanpa awak menengah dapat melakukan penyusupan ke daerah lawan hingga jarak 200 km dengan lamanya terbang 8 sehingga 10 jam.  Yang termasuk pesawat tanpa awak jenis ini antara lain Poineer dan Hunter, lihat gambar 3.

Gambar 3 : UAV Pioneer

Pesawat terbang tanpa awak enduran (endurance UAV) digunakan untuk jarak operasi terbang yg jauh, waktu terbang yg lama serta ketinggian terbang yg tinggi. Disebabkan karena ukurannya Pesawat ini berlepas dan mendarat hanya dari darat (lapangan terbang), mengudara hingga 24 jam non-stop dan dapat pengirim data gambar dan video secara waktu nyata. UAV Predator dan Global Hawk termasuk dalam katagori Pesawat tanpa awak ini, lihat gambar 4,. Endurance UAV ini dibagi dalam 2 jenis yaitu Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) - UAV dan High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) - UAV.

Gambar 4 : UAV Predator sedang menembakan peluru kendali.

Selain jenis-jenis pesawat terbang tanpa awak yang disebutkan diatas, agensi penelitian projek pertahanan berteknologi tinggi amerika atau yg dikenal dengan DARPA (The defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)  saat ini sedang memsponsori  program penyelidikan dan pengembangan untuk membangunkan pesawat terbang tanpa awak tempur atau yg dikenal dengan UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle). Pada Bulan Maret 1999, Perusahaan pesawat terbang terkenal Boeing telah mendapatkan kontrak untuk membuat prototype pesawat terbang tanpa awak tempur yg dikenal dengan The DARPA/Air force X-45 UCAV, lihat gambar 5. 

Gambar 5 : UCAV X-45

Tujuan dari UCAV X-45 ini adalah untuk memporakporandakan sistem pertahanan musuh dengan harga sepertiga lebih murah jika menggunakan sebuah pesawat tempur gabungan. Pesawat UCAV X-45 ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk memgugurkan bom secara otomatis didearah pertahanan lawan.  

Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak  (UAV)  “ Kujang“

UAV Kujang (gambar 6) termasuk ke dalam katagori pesawat terbang tanpa awak taktis karena UAV Kujang dapat terbang selama 2-3 jam non-stop dengan jarak operasi sejauh 50 km. Selain itu pesawat ini dapat terbang dengan kecepatan jelajah sebesar 100 km/jam pada ketinggian 1000 m. UAV Kujang mempunyai berat berlepas sekitar 20 kg dan mampu membawa kamera seberat 5 kg.

Gambar 6: UAV Kujang

UAV Kujang merupakan merupakan UAV yang kedua yang saya disain sendiri dan merupakan modifikasi dari dari UAV Tamingsari. Nama UAV kujang diambil berdasarkan nama keris (senjata) yang digunakan oleh orang-orang sunda yang tinggal di jawa barat. Selain itu, nama UAV Kujang diambil untuk menunjukan bahwa UAV ini dibuat seluruhnya di Bandung (ibukota propinsi Jawa Barat) yang meliputi proses disain, produksi, pemasangan sistem dan juga test terbang.

UAV Kujang di disain dengan misi untuk pemetaan dan pemantauan dari udara seperti foto udara, pemantauan daerah banjir, pemantauan lalulintas kendaraan, pemantauan pencemaran udara, pemantauan daerah bencana tsunami,dll.

Gambar 7: Pemantauan dan Pemotretan kawasan perumahandari udara.

Setelah proses disain dan optimisasi, konfigurasi pesawat UAV Kujang adalah sebagai berikut (gambar 8 )

  • Dimensi : panjang badan 2.5 m, kepak sayap 3 m dan diameter badan pesawat 0.3 m.
  • Konfigurasi airframe:  badan pesawat ellipse, sayap lurus , ekor kembar dengan bidang kendali elevator di atas  ekor menegak.
  • Pemasangan mesin jenis pusher (di belakang)
  • Landing gear:  roda depan dapat di stir, roda belakang tetap .
  • Bahan: komposit  serat kaca (fibre glass) untuk seluruh pesawat.
  • Mesin : mesin propeller 2 siklus dengan daya 5.5 kuasa kuda.

Gambar 8 : Konfigurasi UAV Kujang

Sistem Avionik UAV Kujang.
UAV Kujang digunakan untuk pemetaan dan pemantauan dari udara berjarak jauh, diluar jangkauan mata manusia, maka UAV tersebut harus dapat terbang dengan sendirinya secara otomatis. Untuk jarak yg jauh, seorang operator dari darat tidak bisa mengendalikan UAV Kujang secara langsung. Oleh sebab itu UAV Kujang telah dilengkapi dengan sistem penerbangan otomatis (autopilot) jarak jauh dan sistem kendali darat (ground control station).

Sistem avionik UAV Kujang terdiri dari beberapa komponen, yaitu  autopilot hardware yg mengandungi  jenis-jenis logika terbang otomatis (autopilot mode), sistem navigasi berbasiskan satelit GPS (ground positioning system), sistem pengendalian pesawat berbasiskan RC ( RC based flight control system),  sensor penerbangan IMU dan sistem pitot,  kamera, sistem telemetri (komunikasi) dan station kendali darat GCS, seperti yang ditunjukan pada gamba 9 dibawah ini.

Gambar 9: Sistem Avionics UAV Kujang.

Melalui sistem telemetri yang terpasang pada UAV, autopilot dapat menerima perintah-perintah terbang dari sistem kendali darat (GCS) yang berupa mod autopilot, dan perintah-perintah terbang yg diinginkan seperti arah terbang, kecepatan terbang, ketinggian terbang, dan rute penerbangan yang dibentuk oleh waypoints (tititk penerbangan),dll. 

Ketika sedang terbang, perintah-perintah terbang tersebut akan dibandingkan dengan parameter terbang yang di ukur oleh sistem sensor, seperti arah, kecepatan, ketinggian serta posisi UAV untuk diproses oleh logika-logika autopilot dalam menghasilkan signal-signal kendali. Signal-signal  ini akan dikirim ke servo motor–servo motor untuk menggerakan bidang-bidang kendali pesawat  sehingga UAV Kujang dapat terbang secara otomatis tanpa bantuan operator sesuai dengan rute penerbangan yang telah ditentukan .

Gambar 10 dibawah ini menunjukan bagaimana mod autopilot, armed NAV dan coupled NAV (navigation) menyebabkan UAV  dapat terbang secara tepat dan otomatis sesuai dengan route penerbangan yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan waypoints yg sudah diprogram sebelumnya pada autopilot.
 Gambar 10 : Fungsi Autopilot mod  'Armed dan coupled Navigation' ( dimulai dari kanan bawah)
Ketika proses tracking ini berlangsung, video kamera yang terpasang dibawah badan pesawat UAV Kujang akan menangkap gambar dan/atau video permukaan bumi untuk dikirim ke stasiun kendali darat untuk dilihat dan dianalisa oleh operator yg  duduk di bawah. Selain itu juga, melalui system telemetri setiap kondisi terbang, posisi dan kedudukan UAV Kujang dapat dimonitor pada layar panel yg berada di dalam stasiun kendali darat, lihat gambar 11 .

Gambar 11 : Tampilan Layar/Monitor  di dalam Station Kendali Darat UAV

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Design and Development Process of Autonomous Control Laws (Algorithms) for UAV Tamingsari

This writing will discuss the step by step procedure in the design and development of the control laws (Algorithms) of UAV TAMINGSARI starting from determination of aerodynamics, stability/control derivatives, setting up the non-linear flight model/equation of motion, trim determination, flight dynamics analysis, designing the control laws and gain scheduling development, and  the simulation of control laws in form all software simulation,  the hardware in the loop simulation (HILS)  and the Iron-bird simulation before doing the flight testing.


The UAV TAMINGSARI is a low attitude and short range UAV having following the technical  specifications :
  • Cruise Speed : 100 km/h
  • Cruise Altitude: 1000 m
  • Endurance: 2 – 3 Hours
  • Take off weight : 20 kg, payload (camera): 5 kg
  • Stall Speed : 40 km/h.
and its airframe configuration is given by the Figure 1.

 Figure 1:  UAV “TAMINGSARI” in airborne and on the ground

The design and development process of autonomous control laws (control algorithms) for this UAV begins with the definition of mission to be fulfilled by the UAV TAMINGSARI, which imposes requirements upon the shape of the flight path and the velocity along this flight path. 

The mission requirements for the UAV TAMING SARI are formulated as follows:
      UAV TAMING SARI should have autonomous flight capability for aerial surveillance & reconnaissance in civil area  within the defined flight envelope from the altitude 100 m to 1000 m at the speed of 75 km/h to 150 km/h.  UAV TAMING SARI should fly through any flight coordinates/way points precisely with good flight characteristics/ flight handling qualities.  

The consequence of the requirement stated above is UAV TAMING SARI should have following autonomous control laws/ algorithms (autopilot modes):
  • Pitch and Yaw Damper –mode to augment the stability/damping characteristics
  • Attitude hold/select-mode to keep and select the desired attitude and improve the response/dynamics characteristics of UAV
  • Altitude hold/select mode to maintain the desired altitude & to fly through the different altitude level
  • Speed Hold – mode to keep the given speed of UAV
  • Coordinated Turn –mode to perform smoothly turning flight and maintain the altitude during turn flight.
  • Waypoints based Auto Navigation  ( waypoints following & precisely Flight path tracking)
The resulting control problem in producing the autonomous  control laws (algorithms) is therefore to generate appropriate deflections of aerodynamic control surfaces or changes in engine power or thrust, necessary to fulfill the mission of UAV TAMING SARI.

The approach to solve this control problem is summarized in Figure 2.  It illustrates a complete design & development process of autonomous control laws/algorithms for UAV and the division in different design stages starting from stability/control derivative determination, setting up the non-linear equation of motion (simulation flight model), trim determination, flight dynamics analysis, designing the control laws, gain scheduling development, until the simulation of control laws. 

Figure 2: Procedure in design and development  of  control laws (Algorithms) for UAV TAMINGSARI

Design and Development of Control Laws (Algorithms) for UAV  Tamingsari

According to Figure 2,    the process starts with calculating/ estimating data of UAV TAMING needed for non-linear flight model. It consists of the aerodynamic data, the stability and control derivatives, the engine parameter as well as the geometrical data of aircraft, like the moment inertia, the mass, the wingspan, and the wing surface. 

The aerodynamic data from wind-tunnel test are compared with the calculated data. The both data closely match to each others.  Figure 3 shows the final data for UAV that have been estimated using the USAF – Stability and Control DATCOM and the semi empiric formulas from ROSKAM book. The data are expressed in the body fixed coordinate system that normally is used in the flight modeling and simulation.   

Figure 3: Flight Data of UAV TAMINGSARI

The aerodynamic data, the stability and control derivatives as well as the engine derivatives are used as the parameter for the equations of motion describing/ modeling the motion of the UAV TAMINGSARI in the air (UAV flight model) .

The resulting general Earth-flat equations of motion for UAV in the body fixed ­coordinate system are:

These six degree of freedom (6-DOF), non-linear equations of motion describe three translating motion (force equation ) and three rotating motion (moment equation) of the UAV and can cover all flight conditions and flight maneuvers in the complete flight envelope, from the take-off until landing .

To the equations of motion the kinematics equations and navigation equation below should be added.

The following figure shows the graphical non-linear flight model for RPV Tamingsari.

Figure 4: Simulink flight model of UAV TAMINGSARI

Once non-linear UAV flight model has been created, the next step is to determine so called steady-state, trim flight conditions since these conditions are a prerequisite for linearizing the non-linear model as well as for non-linear simulation.

The trim flight condition is a condition in which the sums of forces and moments acting on the aircraft are equal zero. That means that rotational and translation acceleration  in equations of motion must be equal zero. Since the equations of motion are non-linear and the dependence of the aerodynamic data is complex, the calculation of trim flight condition is performed with numerical trim algorithm using optimization method SIMPLEX. This trim algorithm will solve for required flight variables, control surfaces and throttle setting for a desired steady-state flight condition such as a given altitude and airspeed  .

The non-linear state flight model of UAV about a determined trim flight condition is linearised  by computing partial derivatives of dx/ dt = f(x,u) to generate the A and B matrices of linear state mode of the aircraft:

                             dx/ dt = Ax + Bu                  (2)

where x and u now represent small deviations of state variable and control input from the trimmed steady-state values.

The partial derivatives of the output vector y = g(x,u) is taken to build the C and D matrices:   
                               y = Cx + Du                       (3)

where y, x and u are small deviations from the trim. The output variable y is critical variable such as accelerations and very important for controlling the aircraft motion. The JACOBY method is employed for calculating all derivatives of input, output and state vectors .

Finally, the linear state model matrices A, B,C, D are stored in a format suitable for the analysis software like MATLAB

Based on the linear UAV model, the dynamic characteristics of UAV is analyzed, such as the trim, stability and control characteristics of the aircraft, the dynamic response of the aircraft to control input and external disturbance, the effect on the flight condition changes of the aircraft dynamics.

The Analysis will be performed based on the linear UAV model as well as non-linear ones using flight simulation on the computer. After understanding the dynamic behaviors of the aircraft, the flight control laws for UAV are designed using the root locus technique regarding the good flying handling qualities given by Military flying quality requirements like MIL - STD ­1797, MIL-F-8785 B .

The UAV TAMINGSARI is designed to fly within the flight envelope from the altitude 100 m to 1000 m at the speed of 75 km/h to 150 km/h, whose boundaries are determined by angle of attack -limit, service ceiling, engine limit and airspeed limit. When the UAV TAMINGSARI is flying from one flight condition to others flight conditions within this flight envelope, the UAV dynamic changes. This can cause that a dynamic mode being stable and adequately damped in one flight condition becomes  inadequately damped in other flight condition. This lightly damped oscillatory mode causes the difficulties to control UAV TAMINGSARI precisely.

This problem has been overcome by using feedback control to modify the UAV dynamics. The gain of this feedback must be adjusted according to the flight condition. The adjustment process is called gain scheduling technique. Here, the gains are designed for a large set of trim flight conditions and then are scheduled by interpolating them with respect to flight conditions: the gains are programmed as functions of dynamic pressure, see Figure 5, 6 and Figure 7.

Figure 5: Flight control law (algorithms) of armed navigation for waypoints following/ flight path tracking

Figure 6: Flight control law of coupled navigation for waypoints following & Flight path tracking

Figure 7: Modes of flight control law ( Algorithms) for the unsymmetrical flight of UAV

The detailed non-linear simulation of flight control laws for UAV TAMINGSARI is made in order to validate and enhance the results of the linear control analysis, design and development. This will ensure that the flight control laws of UAV TAMINGSARI works well over the complete range of flight-envelope for which it is designed, taking into account a suitable safety margin. This analysis covers a wide range of velocities and altitudes and all possible UAV configurations. The Figure 8 & 9 show the nonlinear, non real time simulation of the autopilot modes for UAV TAMINGSARI.

Figure 8: Nonlinear , non real time simulation of waypoints following & precisely flight path tracking for UAV TAMINGSARI

Figure 9: Nonlinear , non real time simulation of heading hold/select  for UAV TAMINGSARI

The internal structure of this non-linear autonomous UAV's flight simulation is shown in figure 10. This simulation is known as all software simulation of UAV TAMINGSARI and is used for

         Engineering design and development of control laws
         Pilot Training
         Flight Test planning     .
Figure 10: Internal structure of all software simulation of UAV TAMINGSARI using Simulink.

The second last step is so called hardware in-the-loop simulation or HILS. The Hardware-in-loop simulation (HILS) is  a cornerstone of unmanned aircraft/UAV development. In this phase, the control laws  for UAV TAMINGSARI will be evaluated in a real-time environment on the ground. Well designed simulators allow the control laws and mission functionality of UAV to be tested without risking hardware in flight test. Although HILS can not replace flight testing, it measurably reduces the likelihood of failure by detecting bugs and deficiencies in the laboratory. .

To facilitate this vital (and typically difficult) function, an integrated autonomous onboard computer system (real embedded controller) that has been developed is connected to the real-time flight simulator computer to receive the measured flight variables from flight control simulator as well as to send the autonomous control surfaces signal to the flight control simulator via the external RS 232 serial interface. At the same time, the integrated avionics system will receive send data from the ground control station, as showed in Figure 11. 

Figure 11 :  Structure of HILS used in developing the UAV TAMINGSARI

The integrated avionics system (autopilot system) for UAV Tamingsari consists of autopilot (embedded computer ), an air data, IMU, on-board data link/telemetry, on-board GPS, ground gontrol station  as well as the  payload system, see Figure 12.

Figure 12: System architecture of integrated avionics system for UAV Tamingsari.

Since the design and development of  control laws for UAV TAMINGSARI have used the software MATLAB and Simulink augmented with the autocode autocode tools Real-Time-Workshop (RTW) and Stateflow,  so the graphically flight model of UAV TAMINGSARI and its flight control laws can then be automatically coded in C using RTW, compiled using the software environment, and then downloaded to the UAV integrated onboard computer system (real embedded controller) . This embedded controller has more than enough CPU muscle to run complicated autocoded algorithms. 

The final step before the flight testing is what so called the IRONBIRD simulation. The IRONBIRD simulation is as final check for system configuration  and  used for measuring the closed-loop response of control laws, to verify actuator models. The Figure 13 shows the configuration of IRONBIRD simulation for UAV TAMINGSARI.

Figure 13: Ironbird simulation of UAV TAMINGSARI.

In this simulation, the autonomous onboard computer in which the flight control laws reside will be put into the UAV airframe and connected with the real servo actuators  of UAV to replace the mathematical model of actuator of UAV.   


The design and development of the control laws/algorithms for UAV TAMINGSARI is not  only just designing and simulating the linear control laws, but there are some issues such as getting the UAV data (aerodynamics, stability & control, engine), generating the nonlinear & linear model, trim determination, the gain scheduling, non-linear simulation of  control laws as well as the real time simulation of  the control laws on the hardware environment (hardware in the loop and ironbird simulation).

These issues have to be done and solved in order to convert the remotely piloted vehicle into fully autonomous UAV before the flight test of UAV TAMINGSARI is done. Actually these procedures/steps are common ones in designing and developing the automatic flight control system for the aircraft in the aircraft industries, like BAE System, Airbus, Boeing, etc.   


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